Club Constitution

TriTanium Triathlon Club Constitution

The name of the Club shall be TriTanium Triathlon Club.
The Club’s colours shall be Navy, Light Blue and Orange.

The aims and objectives of the Club shall be to:-

2.1. Encourage the practice and development of triathlon in Dublin 15 and East Meath.

2.2. Provide coaching for club members and to organise and promote competitions.

2.3. Organise teams to represent the club in triathlon and multisport events, national championships, international championships and in such other competitions as the committee shall decide.

3.1. Triathlon

3.2. Multisports involving the individual sports of running, cycling and swimming (duathlons, aquathons and other variations)

3.3. The individual sports of running, cycling and swimming.

4.1. Membership shall be open to all persons either amateur or professional. The amateur status of non-professional club members shall be protected.

4.2. It is mandatory for members of TriTanium to be either full or associate members of Triathlon Ireland, the national governing body for the sport of triathlon in Ireland. Failure to maintain a membership of Triathlon Ireland (in accordance with the membership policies of Triathlon Ireland), or the withdrawal of membership of Triathlon Ireland from a member of TriTanium automatically results in an immediate loss of membership of TriTanium.

4.3. Participants in training sessions, club competitions and other club activities must be current members of TriTanium. The Club Secretary may permit the involvement of guest participants at his / her discretion; such guest participants must, however, be members of Triathlon Ireland or other national governing body.

4.4. Each applicant for membership must complete the official application form via the Triathlon Ireland website. An application for membership is valid for the calendar year in which it is signed, and to continue membership, members are required to renew their membership for each new calendar year no later than 28 February.

4.5. Approved persons remain members of the club until the earlier of:
a) such time as they tender a resignation as per Article 10 of this constitution or

b) they fail to renew their membership as per Article 4.4. of this constitution

c) they fail to pay any subscription validly approved under this constitution in accordance with Article 9.2 of this constitution.

4.6. All members of TriTanium shall be treated equally.

4.7. The Committee of TriTanium is empowered to withdraw membership from any member of TriTanium.

5.1. TriTanium shall carry out all functions in a manner that promotes equality of opportunity
a) Persons of different religious belief, political opinion, racial group, age, marital status or sexual orientation;
b) Men and women generally regardless of ability;
c) Persons with a disability and persons without;
d) Persons with dependants and persons without;

5.2. TriTanium aims to promote the participation of children by:
a) Creating a culture of safety and fun;
b) Fully subscribing to the following international standards: “Children have the right to be protected from all forms of violence; they must be kept safe from harm, and they must be given proper care by those looking after them” (Article 19; UN Convention on the Rights of the Child);
c) Asserting the right of Children to be safe. Club officials must ensure that this fundamental principle takes precedence over all other considerations;
d) Fully subscribing at all times and without variation to Triathlon Ireland’s Code of Ethics for Children and Triathlon Ireland’s “Safeguarding Code for Young People” document;
e) Ensuring any person working with children will have the necessary Garda vetting requirements in place.

6.1. The management of the Club shall be vested in a committee, comprising members elected to the positions of Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer and Child and Vulnerable Adult Protection Officer, together with up to five additional members validly elected to the committee, with or without specific functions. These positions are defined below:
a) Chairperson
The Chairperson is responsible for ensuring the committee operates in the best interest of the club and its members. Their role is to coordinate committee activity to achieve this. Alongside chairing the committee and general meetings, the chairperson will also help out the other committee members where required. The Chairperson is automatically a co-signatory on any bank or credit card account held in the name of the club.
b) Secretary
The role of the Secretary involves maintaining the database of members, providing information bulletins to members, and circulating meeting minutes from AGMs and committee meetings as required.
c) Treasurer
The Treasurer is responsible for accurately recording all financial transactions made by the club and presenting this record in a recognised format to members of the club at the AGM. The role will involve collecting and recording all payments from members and sponsors and for issuing and recording payment to suppliers and others as agreed by the committee. The Treasurer is automatically a co-signatory on any bank or credit card account held in the name of the club.
d) Child and Vulnerable Adult Protection Officer
The Child and Vulnerable Adult Protection Officer shall be responsible for ensuring that all aspects of the Triathlon Ireland Code of Ethics for Children are implemented fully in the club, and to act as a point of liaison between the club and Triathlon Ireland and other Voluntary or Statutory Agencies where appropriate or required by Statute.

6.2. A functioning committee may be formed once each of the above positions are filled by members validly elected to the position in accordance with this constitution. In addition to the above four positions, up to five additional members may be elected to serve on the committee. It is recommended that additional members be elected for the following roles.
a) Public Relations Officer
The Public Relations Officer (PRO) is responsible for external communications including the club website, promotional posters, issuing local community notices, issuing press releases and race reports to local and social media, etc… The PRO will also be the official point of contact for the club (with other clubs, Triathlon Ireland, etc.).
b) Training Co-ordinator
The Training Co-ordinator will be responsible for organising group training, including ability groups, pacing, routing and scheduling.
c) Social Officer.
The Social Officer will be responsible for organising official club social events including post-race celebrations, Christmas party and other events through the year.
d) and 2 other members.

6.3. The committee shall abide by the following standing orders:
a) At least one of the committee should represent the interests of female triathletes.
b) At least one of the committee should represent the interests of new triathletes.
c) All of the foregoing shall be elected. All positions are filled by election at the Annual General Meeting, with each member of TriTanium present having one vote per position.
d) Any club member who has been a member for at least the previous 12 months can declare their interest in a position, whereupon they must be proposed and seconded by two members of TriTanium. The “12 month” rule does not apply in the first year of the club being formed.
e) Where more than one person nominated for a position, the person deemed elected is the person who receives the most votes. Such votes shall be held by secret ballot. Where there is only one nomination for election, that person is deemed elected if there is a simple majority of votes in favour of their election over votes against their election.
f) The elected committee shall remain in office until the Annual General Meeting of the following year.
g) The Committee shall have the power to fill vacancies if and when they arise.
h) The Committee shall have the power to co-opt members from time-to-time and for specific projects but co-opted members shall not have a Committee vote. Co-opted members may attend Committee Meetings upon invitation by the Committee Chairperson or Secretary.
i) The Committee shall meet at regular intervals as decided by the Chairperson but not less frequently than once in every 3 months at a venue to be decided. It is permissible that committee members shall attend some meetings via electronic means e.g. teleconference, video conference, etc…
j) Approval for motions taken at committee meetings will be by simple majority. The chairperson will hold the deciding vote in event of a tie.
k) Copies of the minutes of committee meetings should be made available to all members from the Secretary.
l) Committee members are expected to attend a reasonable number of meetings. If 3 meetings in a row are missed then the chairman will table a motion to facilitate a replacement for the position.

The Annual General Meeting shall be held no later than the [1 March] for the purpose of:-
7.1. Receiving the annual report of the committee for the preceding season
a) Receiving the statement of accounts for the preceding season
b) Electing the officers and committee for the ensuing year

7.2. Considering any amendments to the Constitution and Rules of the Club of which due notice has been given to all members. Any proposed change to the Constitution Rules by a member must be received by the chair or secretary at least 14 days prior to the date of the Annual General Meeting in order that members shall have sufficient notice of the proposal. At the discretion of the Chairperson, amendments not submitted at least 14 days prior to the AGM may be proposed by any member present at the AGM and voted upon.

7.3. At least 28 days’ notice (in accordance with Article 14 of this constitution) shall be given to members of the date, proposed venue and draft agenda items for the Annual General Meeting. Notice of the final agenda, incorporating any proposed or amended agenda item, proposed motions, financial statements and a confirmed venue for the AGM shall be
given to members at least 48 hours prior to the proposed AGM, and will be available in printed form at the proposed AGM. The accidental omission to give notice of an AGM to or the non-receipt of notice by any member shall not invalidate the proceedings at that meeting.

7.4. Each fully signed up member present at the meeting shall have one vote. No proxy votes will be accepted.

7.5. All motions proposed and voted on, and the election of committee members is by a simple majority. Voting will ordinarily be by a show of hands (two ordinary members will be charged with counting hands) except in the case where a member or group of members request a secret ballot.

8.1. The club shall be affiliated to Triathlon Ireland and to such other sporting bodies as the Committee consider appropriate in order to carry out the objects of the Club.
8.2. The committee, at their absolute discretion, may approve commercial sponsorship arrangements including the placement of commercial logos on club equipment, clothing, racing kit, the club website, and any other Club collateral in return for financial or other support given by sponsors to the Club. Any agreements made in respect of same and signed by the Chairperson and Treasurer acting as agents for the Committee shall be binding on the club.

8.3. All contracts agreed with a third party must be authorised by the committee and are subject to annual review.

9.1. Subscription to TriTanium is by means of:
a) An annual membership fee structure, the amount of which to be proposed annually by the outgoing Treasurer at committee meeting and carried by majority vote at the committee meeting at a date no later than 1st December.

9.2. Where an annual membership fee is mandated by the committee in accordance with this constitution, failure to pay such annual fee via theTriathlon Ireland website by 28 Feb will result in the loss of membership of TriTanium.

9.3. The Secretary and Treasurer will maintain a register of TriTanium members based on subscriptions collected.

10.1. Any member wishing to resign must do so in writing, addressed to the Chair or Secretary. The resignation will be considered by the Committee within one calendar month of receipt and will be held as effective on the date of tendering. Resignations will not be accepted if the member is financially indebted to the Club, and acceptance will be withheld until the debt has been discharged.

11.1. An Extraordinary General Meeting shall be called by the Chair or Secretary within one month of the receipt of a requisition signed by at least 9 members stating the purpose of the meeting. At least 14 days notice shall be given to all fully signed-up members of the date, venue and purpose of an Extraordinary General Meeting. No other business shall be conducted at such a meeting.

12.1. No Constitution Rule may be altered, added to, or deleted except at an Annual General Meeting or an Extraordinary General Meeting called for that purpose and then only by a majority of those present and voting.

13.1. The Club’s financial year ends each December 31st.

14.1. For Committee meetings the Quorum shall be not less than four members.
14.2. For an Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting, the Quorum shall be not less than ten members.

15.1. A notice required to be given under this Constitution shall be sufficiently given if:
a) Published on the website of TriTanium or
b) Announced on TriTanium social media outlets.

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